Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Kid’s Ministry is offered for children ages 0-11 years as space & volunteer-to-child ratios allow. Children are always welcome to worship with parents as desired or when classes are full.

First Time at Refuge? Welcome!
We’re so glad you are joining us! Our hope is to equip kids and families to know the Lord, grow in their walk with Jesus and go share the Good News with the world. We use KidCheck for our Kid’s Ministry check-in system. If you don’t have a KidCheck account, you can set one up at the check-in kiosk (located near the west deck exit) and enable text messaging so you can receive text alerts should we need to communicate with you during service. Once you have your account set up, you will complete a quick check-in with your phone number on future Sundays. We will use this number to text you during the service should your child need your assistance (use a mobile number that you will have accessible and silenced during the service).

Checking In Your Child
You can check your child in before the service begins at 10am or any time before our fellowship time ends. Children will stay with their families for worship at the start of service. Then a parent/guardian can escort them to their Kid’s Ministry class during the brief fellowship time before the Bible study begins. Class sizes are determined by a child-to-volunteer ratio. When a class is full (as indicated on the check-in screen), we will no longer be able to accept children for that class. Your child is welcome to join you in the sanctuary for the remainder of the service. To check in, enter your phone number and select the appropriate class for your child at a kiosk. A name tag for your child and a separate guardian receipt will be printed. Attach your child’s name tag on your child and keep the guardian receipt for check out. After the opening worship set, please escort your child to their classroom during the fellowship time. Having your child use the restroom before dropping them off is a great help for our volunteers! You are welcome to use the stairwell along the north (St. Germain) side of the sanctuary or elevator (if needed) to access the classrooms in the lower level.

Picking Up Your Child
Please pick up your child promptly after the service ends. Have your guardian receipt ready to present to classroom volunteers for pick-up. You are welcome to come back up to the first floor sanctuary for more fellowship.

Illness Guidelines
For the health of all children and volunteers, please do not check a sick child into Kid’s Ministry. Details are posted at the check-in kiosks and at on our illness guideline page. Thank you for your cooperation and know that we take the health and safety of your children seriously.

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