What is expository teaching?
Because God gave man all 66 books in the Bible, we believe it’s essential that we study every single book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, from Genesis to Revelation. We are not opposed to topical studies and use them at different times throughout the year. But we, like the apostle Paul, want to say one day soon, “I have not shunned to give you the whole counsel of God.” At Refuge, you can expect to receive a solid Bible study at every service.
Why don’t you take a formal offering?
We are not opposed to formal offerings and find that on certain occasions a formal offering may be taken. However, we firmly believe that where God guides, He is always faithful to provide. We also believe that those who call Refuge their spiritual home should give generously and wholeheartedly to support the ministry. So, we provide offering boxes at various locations in the sanctuary for you to give unto the Lord your tithes and offerings so that your giving becomes an act of worship between you and Him alone.
Are there programs for my child?
Yes. We have ministry for infants, toddlers, and children through 5th grade during our Sunday morning service. We also have a youth group for students in grades 6th-12th that meets every Wednesday during the school year. As a ministry team, we serve diligently to make sure your child feels safe, nurtured, and loved.
Do you baptize babies?
Baptism is an act of obedience on the part of the individual believer in Jesus. It is an outward sign of an inward work, that has already taken place. Therefore, we do not believe it is biblical to baptize infants. However, we do believe that children are a gift from God, a gift that we need His help to steward. So, on occasion, we do dedicate our children to the Lord, during our services.
Why are children dedicated to the Lord?
The act of publicly dedicating children is an encouragement to the parents and the entire church as the family commits their home and children before the congregation. The congregation agrees to accept responsibility to help the parents raise the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
If I was baptized as a baby, will I have to be baptized again?
No. Some people, however, who recommit their lives, choose to be baptized again if they feel their first baptism was for the wrong reason, such as an adult who was baptized as a child and may not have understood what they were doing.
When can I serve at Refuge?
We ask that you attend Refuge for at least 6 months before making a service commitment. This time allows you to get comfortable with the ministry here while capturing the overall vision of what God is doing through Refuge. It also gives us time to get to know you better and help you in finding your fit in the church. We do provide opportunities to serve right away, specifically in the area of cleaning, set-up and take down (when needed). Enjoy the season of refreshment and receiving. Before you know it, it will be time to jump in and serve Jesus, with us!
What if I have other questions?
Please contact us or ask someone on the pastoral staff or a greeter on Sunday mornings to guide you in the right direction.