Roots is a Bible study for girls in 5th-8th grades that meets the 2nd Thursdays of the month during the school year for a time of connection and fellowship, studying God’s Word, and prayer. During our time together, girls are discipled to be rooted and established in the Word and in God’s love for them. We foster meaningful relationships with one another so we can encourage and challenge each other as we follow Christ together. Our meeting times also provide opportunities for mature sisters in Christ to come alongside younger girls to spur them on in their faith.
This year’s study is The Way of Wisdom, a deep dive into Psalm 86:10-13 and passages in Proverbs that help us define and value wisdom, and teach us how to live wisely in God’s eyes.
Complete the registration form below for your daughter & we'll be in touch with more information.
Communication for Roots will happen in the Roots Messaging Group in the Refuge App. You will be invited to the group once you register. In order to participate in the group, you'll need to have an account (which you may already have if you participate in other groups in the Refuge app).
Click here to create your account or download the app (link below) to get started.