Here are some simple tactics you can use to help communicate Biblical truths to kids:
Read, read & read some more!
Read the scripture passage a lot (at least 15-20 times) and get to know it inside & out. Become familiar with the plot, all the characters, the setting, and especially the spiritual truth of the passage.
Ask Questions That Need Answering
Who is speaking? What’s the main point? What does this passage say about God? What truth is revealed in the passage?
Give it a Kid-Friendly Remix
Use simple words & short sentences so kids can follow along. Make it so they can understand and retell the story in their own words.
“What Does That Mean?”
Ask the kids what the passage means or what is the main point, or key words mean. It’s a great way to check for comprehension and discover where they might be confused.
Make Connections
Ask questions to help kids connect with passage. For example, if an event takes place on the Sea of Galilee, ask the kids if they have ever been to a lake or the ocean. This helps the kids connect with the text and use their imagination.
Make a Relevant Connection
Reference a modern example to help kids comprehend. Kings and queens come up? Ask them about the Queen of England or if they’ve read about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Define Key Words
Pick a couple of words from the passage to define & help the kids comprehend the passage. Some words are complex abstract concepts that kids might not be familiar with. Unpack these words that are new or important for comprehension.
Check to See Who’s Tracking
Throughout the lesson, check-in with the kids to see if they are understanding what’s going on. Ask specific questions about who is speaking, what has happened, and what is going on. Get creative—use fun responses (like thumbs-up, thumbs-down) to engage them.
Use Your Testimony
Share a personal story that might help illustrate a point or make the lesson memorable. Sharing details about yourself will help them make a connection with you.
Use Visual Aides
Pictures, illustrations, objects, etc. and help develop the main point. Maps and photographs of real places will demonstrate that the Bible is real history—not a storybook.
Act it Out
Ask for volunteers to act out the scripture. Kids love to play & play-acting gives them freedom to express the story in their words & actions. Plus, it engages many learning styles to help reinforce the lesson.
Get Dramatic Yourself
Your voice can help bring life to the passage. Get dramatic—slow down during dramatic parts; speed up during action sequences; use a lower tone when making a point; or whisper to captivate their attention. Character voices can also help the kids track with the passage and stay engaged.
Bring Jesus
Communicate how Jesus is the hero of every story in the Bible. Bring Jesus into the story to finish your lesson. After all, the totality of the Bible speaks of Him.
(Adapted from Calvary Curriculum)
Read, read & read some more!
Read the scripture passage a lot (at least 15-20 times) and get to know it inside & out. Become familiar with the plot, all the characters, the setting, and especially the spiritual truth of the passage.
Ask Questions That Need Answering
Who is speaking? What’s the main point? What does this passage say about God? What truth is revealed in the passage?
Give it a Kid-Friendly Remix
Use simple words & short sentences so kids can follow along. Make it so they can understand and retell the story in their own words.
“What Does That Mean?”
Ask the kids what the passage means or what is the main point, or key words mean. It’s a great way to check for comprehension and discover where they might be confused.
Make Connections
Ask questions to help kids connect with passage. For example, if an event takes place on the Sea of Galilee, ask the kids if they have ever been to a lake or the ocean. This helps the kids connect with the text and use their imagination.
Make a Relevant Connection
Reference a modern example to help kids comprehend. Kings and queens come up? Ask them about the Queen of England or if they’ve read about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Define Key Words
Pick a couple of words from the passage to define & help the kids comprehend the passage. Some words are complex abstract concepts that kids might not be familiar with. Unpack these words that are new or important for comprehension.
Check to See Who’s Tracking
Throughout the lesson, check-in with the kids to see if they are understanding what’s going on. Ask specific questions about who is speaking, what has happened, and what is going on. Get creative—use fun responses (like thumbs-up, thumbs-down) to engage them.
Use Your Testimony
Share a personal story that might help illustrate a point or make the lesson memorable. Sharing details about yourself will help them make a connection with you.
Use Visual Aides
Pictures, illustrations, objects, etc. and help develop the main point. Maps and photographs of real places will demonstrate that the Bible is real history—not a storybook.
Act it Out
Ask for volunteers to act out the scripture. Kids love to play & play-acting gives them freedom to express the story in their words & actions. Plus, it engages many learning styles to help reinforce the lesson.
Get Dramatic Yourself
Your voice can help bring life to the passage. Get dramatic—slow down during dramatic parts; speed up during action sequences; use a lower tone when making a point; or whisper to captivate their attention. Character voices can also help the kids track with the passage and stay engaged.
Bring Jesus
Communicate how Jesus is the hero of every story in the Bible. Bring Jesus into the story to finish your lesson. After all, the totality of the Bible speaks of Him.
(Adapted from Calvary Curriculum)